Monday, December 28, 2009

Ex-girl playing games?

I dated this girl for about 3 months its been 4 months since we've broke up we still talk off and on. we saw each other last weekend and decided to be friends with benefits because we dont want to do a relationship where im off at college and only come back on the weekends. So i'm thinking ok we'll hangout have some fun togethor every now and then but for some reason she doesn't even bother calling me to do so. I have texted her and she just has excuses for why she cant... She told me she doesn't want to have a relationship but all the sudden on her myspace she has the mood, "lonely" a song about how she's sorry about the way she treated her last relationship and a story of how she wishes her last relationship wasn't over. This is pissing me off yeah i still have feelings for her but why is she so afraid to talk about anything with me. Whats up with this girl says one thing then acts another wtf! I'm giving her a few more days before i call her *** out on this. merry christmas

Ex-girl playing games?

not friends w/benefits for her .. no doubt, despite what she says. she has an emotional attachment to you, clearly. so you either need to be her friend w/no benefits, totally cut her out of your life (or take an extended break from any contact for at least a month) ... or take the plunge and commit to her and be a couple and make it work.

decide what you want and then be clear with her.

Ex-girl playing games?

Look dude you should have seen this one coming, friends with benefits after being b/f g/f?....please!!! So the only thing YOU want out of her anymore is just sex right???? Thought so, cut your loss and move on. It is nearly impossible to be friends with an ex in the manner which you speak of. Think about it, ya get home from school on the weekend, give her a shout hey lets get it on, she says no, you get p!ssed, you ask why, she says I have a date or what ever excuse she uses on you....ding ding ding you get even more p!ssed. She probably told you this "friends" crap so you wont be stalking her or get blown outta the water when you find out she is screwing some other dude. Bottom line its way too complicated and not worth the heart ache. If you 2 still talk once in a while that cool I guess until one or the other starts dating again then it becomes an issue but that's my opinion. Walk away with what little dignity you have left and find something new to play with.

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